Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sill behind warm glass

The window-sill in my sunroom faces NE and warms up delightfully. It is just the spot for these African Violets which I rescued from my father's room. I am trying to teach myself how to photograph them indoors using artificial light. As you can see, I still have a lot to learn. I used a tripod to keep it all still. However, I now have to solve the problem of TOO MUCH light! I want the edges to be lit. Next I will use a white light and see if I can project from beneath.


diane b said...

They look pretty good to me especially the second one.

Julie said...

And it is that second one that is getting closer to the goal. In the first one, I liked that teensy little bud hanging off the left!

But the light is tricky. I took the pot off the window-sill into the living room under a lamp that throws a very yellow light. Then set about all the adjustments to tone the light down. Using the tripod meant that the lens was open for a very long time.

The stats are
ISO 100
15 seconds

That is an incredibly long time, I guess because the other stats show me closing the amount of light down. Between F4.5 and F13 there must be a balance to reduce the length of time the lens is open, and hey presto the amount of light in on the image. Then I just have to adjust the direction of the light.

Life is a bugger sometimes ... hee hee hee ...

Joan Elizabeth said...

You know those stats bug me but I am wondering why you need such a long exposure when you have it in good light. You are also going to have to adjust the white balance to overcome the yellow light.