Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Shonky identification ....

My brothers confidently identified them as Major Mitchell Cockatoos. Well they're not! They are Little Corellas which are distributed across the north, throughout Central QLD, NSW, VIC and parts of SA. The Little Corella perfers woodland, farmland and wetlands and it feeds on seeds and cereal crops. With the more obvious characteristics noted in the image, the Little Corella has a small crest and a yellow tip of iots tail.


Anonymous said...

This one's new to me. Just as I opened your page I heard the parrots descend on my tree. SQUAWK!

Joan Elizabeth said...

Funny thing that. I hadn't noticed corellas before going on my trip to Mungo. I thought they were some sort of small cockatoo then looked them up. Since them I have seen them at Penrith. Obviously I've just not been "seeing" properly. Haven't seen any around here yet.

Julie said...

They certainly look like a member of the cockatoo family. I have not seen them here before either. This lot were not in the least afraid of me, but boy, did they make a mess.

freefalling said...

My Nan and Great Aunty Ella, who lived together for a little while when Nan's husband died - Aunty Ella's husband Bert, died on the way home on the ship from being a POW at Changi, had a Little Corella for a pet.
His name was George.
Aunty Ella moved away and George was left with Nana - he hated Nana
(coz she had walked into his cage at some point making it crash to the ground).
So he went to live with the other birds in the aviary at the Queens Park Botanic Gardens.
I've always hated seeing birds in cages.
You might as well build a little cage around their souls.

Julie said...

I love the retelling of that family yarn, Letty - got lost, but loved it anyways. Yeah, I am not happy seeing any animal caged. Like the ferret that walked into my sunroom on Sunday night. I put him in the cat's carry case, but when I cleaned it he walked off yet again. No idea where. He made a helluva wailing noise when caged - fair put the wind up my poor cats. Who actually own this place and kindly let me live here so long as I pay the rent promptly.

Martina said...

*g* - with the blue and red around the eyes to me they look like some old men which had too much beer ;-)

Julie said...


Plus I only noticed yesterday that they have a tongue the colour of their eye!

diane b said...

Corella's are very noisy and usually come in packs (huge flocks i guess is more correct). They are regarded as a pest by farmers for obvious reasons.

Julie said...

Yeah, this lot was in a large pack/flock/swarm. Abut twenty or so ... and soooo destructive. Without even so much as a "how's yer father".

ellieshine said...

We've never seen these (and we love our birds)! how beautiful - you must be thrilled to have taken these photos! They do look a lot like cockatoos.