Sunday, October 25, 2009

Francais en Double Bay

After my second collapse in two weeks I was given these rules by the cardiologist: no driving until further notice; no up and down stairs; no living by yourself. So I am camping out with my daughter and SiL for a few weeks. The cardy cauterized a wayward whatsit that was causing the arrythmia (?sp) and I see him in 10 days. The neurologists are still trying to work out the vertigo and the seizure.

Having a BP reading of 60/40 was not nice ...


Martina said...

Oh, I didn't know that - seems like I have missed something. Wishing you all the best!!!!
Take care of you! I have learned some time ago that cats are very helpful with this: just have them on your lap and let them purr!

Joan Elizabeth said...

Julie, I am so glad you have your daughter to help you through this difficult time. It seems she has a green thumb like yours so the plants and cats can keep you company as well. All the best with sorting your way through the diagnosis so you are soon strong and well.

Anonymous said...

Had a feeling something was wrong. I hope the procedure has made you more comfortable, and that this gets sorted out soon. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Just read you comment. Big changes. Glad that shedding the job is a positive one. Will read the Ny'r piece, although now I think we have a nickname for it.

PJ said...

No, 60/40 is not nice. I have naturally low blood pressure but even this puts me off. I hope all improves soon and with a clear diagnosis. I also hope your change in jobs allows more time for your thoughtful photographs and text. Get well, Julie!

freefalling said...

What? What? What?
What are you doing???
Crazy woman.
Stop it this instant.
I don't like it.
No sir, not one bit.

Julie said...

Sorry, friends. Just caught up with these last three comments. It is all moving on apace but still with no clear diagnosis.

I keep meaning to write something about it all over at Plumbing.

Endless Waterfall said...

Oh no! That is really rubbish! I am with the cardiologist here! Be a good girl and listen to him. Hope things will be properly diagnosed & sorted soon. Take it easy will you!

Julie said...

Have tried to be clear about it all over at Plumbing. There is still more detail that might be informative. Will see what I can do later today or tomorrow.

Have to now go out and experiment walking up the hill to Edgecliff station and catching the train to BJ and back. First time on public transport since the falls. Kirsten has already checked up on me once this morning.
