Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Spontaneous combustion ...

Pot plant, pot plant
Sitting on a wall
One goes away
And it must fall.

I think, perhaps, she made this up herself. It certainly appeared that way. We often put the pots along the ledge. But we have never had a musical accompaniment before.

Each cycle involved seven pot plants. And there were at least four cycles. That is a long process for a two-year-old.

The flowers I bought from the Hot Dollar shop in the BJ Mall, and cut them from the spray into individual flowers. The pots are small yoghurt containers from Thomas Dux. The chalk is that really large variety that we bought from the driveway sale in Lane Cove back in about May.


diane b said...

She is developing in leaps and bounds due to a clever mummy and Ma.

MargaretP said...

I find it endlessly amusing, the things they choose to sing about, made up anywhere, anytime...constant entertainment.
Hope the packing is going well.