Saturday, October 30, 2010

Black thumb proofing

The 'green-thumb' gene is not on my family genome chart apparently. Both my children have an astouding ability to have plants die on them. Generally through lack of water, and any skerrick of interest. Not true. Kirsten has an interest but is time-poor.

So, over the next little while I am giving her 'garden' a lobotomy, much to the relief, I suspect, of my SiL. Whereas, 'til now, she has struggled with penunias and violets and marigolds, we have agreed that I replace them with a variety of succulents. I am establishing these in pots in my courtyard, and when I get back from Melbourne in the middle of November, I will transplate them into the planter boxes hanging off her juliet balcony.


Joan Elizabeth said...

Funny thing is I am as hopeless at succulents at violas. I hope Kirsten does not have a similar problem because your plants look so beautifully plump right now.

Julie said...

I suspect that there is a good chance she will be. Plants like not only water, but a good chat and tickle under the armpit! What I will do is offer her a weekly gardening service.

Janice said...

Beautiful succulents...I have quite a few myself. Love the shot with the kitty. I don't always comment, but your photographs are very wonderful. You really capture the essence of your subject.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Yes I thought you might offer a gardening service, after all there is good reason to visit with two beautiful ladies waiting to see you.

diane b said...

Good onya Mum!
My kids have started getting interested in pot plants and I often get a call for help now and then. I wonder what will happen to Sonya's plants when she goes to the USA. Maybe her sister will be the beneficiary.

freefalling said...

I never had much success with succulents until I realized they need water!
The other thing I didn't know was how many of them have lovely flowers.