Wednesday, October 13, 2010


A friend gave me a couple of cuttings of this last Christmas, and it has grown like the dickens ... mmm ... wonder where that expression comes from.

She thinks it to be an Iris. I have googled Tall Bearded Iris and it is not one of those. The TBI is like a double bloom, hose-in-hose and this looks like a totally different kettle of fish.

It is gorgeous though. And like a creature from another world. If I can tomorrow, between the rain, I will get a photograph of the entire plant. I put it up on my outside table so that the 'fronds' can gracefully dangle. It had its first flush of blooms whilst I was away. Yet about a dozen more graced me with their presence overnight.


Rebecca said...

This makes me think of an iris and orchid mix.

Julie said...

Yes, I can see both inheritances here, too.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Looks like an iris to me, but not a bearded iris. What a beauty.

freefalling said...

Oh it's beeyoutiful!
Not a word I use very often, but it's exquisite.
You know, I think it might be a native orchid.
I have a photo of one somewhere - I'm gunna try and find it.

freefalling said...

oh no.
not a native orchid.
not enough petally bits.

freefalling said...

Not much help in naming it, but this fella has a couple of photos on it on his flickr.
He's in Costa Rica.

freefalling said...

Ta Da!
Neomarica sp. possibly gracilis, (apostle plant or walking iris)

Julie said...

Brilliant, Letty. You are a gem!

A Brazilian Walking Iris ... which is not an Iris at all, really.

Thank you so much. I seem to be getting a flush of flowers each day. They 'melt' during the night and presto a new lot take their place.

Google says they have a strong fragrance. Not floral though. Yes strong but cleansing ... a bit like Armani's 'acqua di gio' ...