Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Damn blast

I tried, I really did. I had this lined up for what seemed ages before she jumped. But I grabbed at the shutter, instead of depressing gently. I think most of the movement in the image came when I allowed my shutter finger to come up too early.

Drats! However, I just know she will do this again. She is that sort of little black duck.


Anonymous said...

Well, I had too google around to find the origin of "little black duck." Daffy Duck, of course! My favorite cartoon character. I'm going to start dropping this phrase every chance I get.

Julie said...

Glad to be of service, Hiker.

Actually, the expression just rolls off my tongue, so it is readily used and understood over here.

I googled and found this which is a partial explanation, I guess. http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-duc1.htm

For me, the expression indicates that a stand is being taken in honour of individuality, in honour of determination. It is a direct pilfer of DD's expression but with a pigheaded Australian twist.

bitingmidge said...

Interesting that, it's such a ubiquitous expression in Aus among our generation that I hadn't given it a second though.

As for the shutter, I am guilty always of jumping at precisely the moment I should be standing still. Oh for the patience to use a tripod.

Julie said...

Hah! A Tripod ... Have you tried a tripod with Mr Three? He's done another dozen things whilst you are fiddling around!

I thought I was doing well to notice from my computer that she was on the garage roof, and then predict what she would do. I stood on the landing of the back steps ... and just waited.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Birds do this to me all the time.