Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On yer marks

The arrival of Spring is a onestepforward onestepback process. The days are slowly getting warmer, but the winds are strill and bitter. I have trimmed, repotted, fertilised and weeded. All is ready. The African Violet on the sill beside my computer is a joy in waiting.

The avocado and the fig are filled with Thomas' 'green fuse'. Remember when the avocado was but a sluice of slime in a bottle?

And the olive trees are being their usual mediterranean selves: promising much, flaunting their fertility, but wisely producing much more than they need 'just in case'. Let's hope they all thrive during my absence in La Republique.


Joan Elizabeth said...

Lovely to watch all those little green shoots. Our pines were swooshing all night ... I love the sound when I am rugged up warm in bed.

Janice said...

I love your photographs, especially the African violet. I'll be back for more of your artistry.

diane b said...

You have been busy. I have yet to prepare the garden for Spring. I was lucky that it rained while I was away. I love the furry texture that you have captured so well in the first photo.