Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Still life with fur

A precedent is a pretty silly thing to set!

Once upon a time, my cats, Sylvie and Sellie, were happy with the odd scratch, maybe every other day. Maybe just an absent-minded scritch behind the left ear. Not anymore. No siree ... Not any more.

Now, they come to me. And if I pay scant notice, they sit on my keyboard and thwack my cheek. Whadda we want? A scritch. When da we wanit? ... you get my drift.

However, I have come to realise there is lots in this for me. Less hair inside, for starters. Less asthmatic reaction, for seconds. And a very healthy, toned pair of cats into the bargain.

Now to the mug of coffee ... I used to make my own each morning. Just Moccona and hot water with a dash of milk. Not any more. Jools has wisened up - past participle of 'to wizen'. She now nips across the bus layby and into the corner shop for a 'large flat white, no sugar' for $3.80. And what a delight it is, and I only need one to keep me going all day!

Finally, here is a bud forming on a segment of the Holiday Succulent that I was given over the weekend. What joy!


Rebecca said...

Coffee, how it tames the wild beast inside......Counting the hours until my next cup..........so relaxing and good.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Never having drunk coffee (can't stand the taste) I don't really know the benefits of it for brightening ones day. But I do know the joys of a purring cat (before they started giving me hay fever).

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I would definitely choose a cup of coffee bought at a coffee shop over a cup I brewed, any day.

diane b said...

I'm sure i put a comment here but it 'aint' here. Gobbled up in cyberspace or flown away with my bad memory. Anyway the succulent looks like a Zygocactus, they call them Christmas Cactus n the northern hemisphere as they flower in winter. It will be pretty soon. I wonder which colour it will have?

Julie said...

Yes, Altadena Hiker (Karin) identified it in the comment on the previous post. STrange you should say that, I am forever losing comments.

I think this might be a white one, but I nicked from a couple of different plants!!

freefalling said...

I don't want to put the moxy on your cactus - but mine grew a lovely bud and I waited and waited and waited for it to grow into a flower - but before it did - it plopped off onto the ground.