Sunday, December 4, 2011

Small garden produce

Looking at my previous post of flourishing figs, I am so envious of my last year's ability! My figs are nowhere near this standard, at this stage. Shall have to feed them up, like a little Chinese boy at a banquet being feted by his grand-mama!

Here is an introduction to my productive handkerchief garden. At the top, we have rhubarb, which takes three seasons to stop being quite so bitter. Then I have the Blackjack Zucchini. I love them simply fried in butter and with ground black pepper. And finally, my lettuce. I think a variety of Butter Lettuce. I have 6 plants and really only need 3. I reckon they orta sell a punnet of mixed lettuce, just like in the stores where they sell the mixed leaf!

All this is in black recycling tubs. Show you in my next post.


freefalling said...

I didn't know that about rhubarb.
I've got some over at Pendlebury Hill and I never know when to pick it.
I had this beautiful dessert at The Royal Mail in Dunkeld which sounds awful but is magnificent.
Rhubarb, licorice and almonds.
Someone blogged about it here:

You CAN buy mixed lettuce seedlings - I had some in last year. But I have real trouble growing lettuce.

Julie said...

I get overwhelmed by the quantity ofleaves available. However, I cut what I need and anything that looks wilted and brown I simply cut and bin. My lettuce are looking like models on the catwalk. I am in Wauchope Library checking my blogs. Had a productive morning.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Nice to see Dolwendee back. Yep you can get mixed punnets. Had some rhubarb here when we moved in but they did not survive my loving care ... maybe I am being a bit hard on myself ... the neighbours trees grew and shaded them I think.

Julie said...

I will look for a mixed punnet next time. I suspect this lot will have done its dash by the new year.