The Murraya is immensely popular as a hedging plant. However, regular and inappropriate trimming can stifle the flowering of this highly perfumed plant. Other areas might know it as Hawaiian Mock Orange or orange jessamine or Chinese Box. Its botanical name is Murraya paniculata var. ovatifoliolata.
Oh I can smell it now. Been thinking of getting some jasmine or such in my garden so I have more perfume.
I have three gardenias down the passageway, these murrayas along the same side of the rear, plus the lavendar inspired by my trip to Provence. The next perfumed plant that I aspire to is a daphne. A chinese star jasmine is nice but needs to be pinned against something and with my ficus on the paling fence I have sufficient to have to keep trimmed and trailers chomped!
I do like a perfumed garden.
I have an old gardenia that is now in a much to shaded position so it is just hanging on by a thread. Daphne, not a problem. They love our climate so I've got two that are thriving. Star jasmine is what I am thinking of getting but need to decide the right place ... as creepers (aka wisteria, honeysuckle, virginia creeper) give me too much trouble already. I also get perfume from a huge port wine magnolia when it is in flower.
I worry that the humidity down here will be too much. I lost a daphne when I lived in Bondi to persistent mould.
Think I will get me one on Sunday after my trip to Canberra with Shirley to see her grandson.
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