Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Throwing her voice ...

Put your index finger on the top of your head.
Why, Ma?
I am going to show you how to throw your voice.
{Finally, shocked silence.]

Now, throw your voice from your throat, all the way up to your finger.
Like this, Ma?
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Now put your hand on your chest. And growl like a bear.
Ahh that tickles, Ma.
Now, throw your voice down to your chest.
AArrggghhh ... !


diane b said...

Those beautiful big brown eyes would melt anyone's heart.

Merisi Vienna said...

Wise beyond her age, and oh so sweet!

Kay L. Davies said...

Your photos of Alannah are always delightful, Julie, but these...especially the second one with the meltingly big brown eyes Diane mentioned...are special.
What a wonderful child, and how fortunate she is to have you for a grandmother!

Julie said...

Sweet, Kay. However, Alannah is fortunate in so many ways. I am not the only heavily involved grandparent, and both her parents are a joy. Let's home the new arrival fits in well too. I guess it is up to us ...

Carole M. said...

such beautiful, delightful, and colourful posts.